Shadow IT

Shadow IT is the use of SaaS applications and services without approval from the organization’s IT department. With the rise of SaaS applications, Shadow IT has become a significant risk, introducing complex threats to security and compliance. Without IT oversight, unauthorized SaaS applications can lead to data breaches, loss of sensitive information, and non-compliance with industry standards.

For example, consider an employee who onboards a new SaaS application to streamline their workflow but fails to inform the IT team. This unapproved application can inadvertently create security vulnerabilities, as it bypasses the organization’s established security protocols. Without proper oversight, sensitive company data might be exposed, and compliance with industry regulations could be compromised. This is a common scenario of Shadow IT.

To combat Shadow IT, real-time visibility and monitoring of SaaS applications are crucial. Organizations need a comprehensive view of their SaaS landscape to identify which applications are being used and how sensitive files are shared. Wing’s SaaS discovery solution provides this visibility, offering an up-to-date list of SaaS applications within minutes.

Effective management of Shadow IT involves continuous evaluation of security risks across applications, users, and files. Wing’s solution maps, analyzes, and scores the SaaS environment, helping security teams understand their security posture and prioritize actions to mitigate risks.