Why We Want to Shift-RIGHT in SaaS Security

Why We Want to Shift-RIGHT in SaaS Security

In the fields of app security and cloud security, there is a relatively new term called ‘Shift Left.’ The concept is that if you examine the development cycle from left to right (planning and design, implementation, testing and fixes, deployment, and...
5 Important Shadow IT Risks To Know About

5 Important Shadow IT Risks To Know About

While the term “Shadow IT” can include everything from employee-owned mobile devices to the ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT), it typically refers to browser-based cloud applications and similar services, often simply referred to as “SaaS”. As organizations...
Secure Multi-Tenancy by Design

Secure Multi-Tenancy by Design

A lot of time I get asked by customers, contractors, and even co-workers about our multi-tenancy architecture. Here at Wing Security we have a unique architecture, and when I present it I usually get raised eyebrows and the question of “Why did you do that”? From the...