
Why Cybersecurity Needs to Be Automated


There’s dozens of SaaS security solutions available these days, but when it comes to a large organization with several thousand employees, fully implementing just any SaaS security solution can become really tedious, and becomes difficult to be rolled out at scale, especially not in a timely manner. Until now.

Wing Security provides SaaS Security that does just that. Designed from the ground up to be scaled into large organizations, Wing comes with powerful built-in automation that makes securing all SaaS use possible, efficient, and most importantly, doesn’t require too much of the Security team‘s precious time.

The Gargantuan Task of Cyber Security

For small organizations, SaaS security can be a nuisance or even a headache. But for large organizations, the problem becomes much bigger. Aside from the increase of issues caused by the increase of users, there also becomes an urgent need to reduce the response time and speed up the rollout of solutions. To realistically achieve this goal, many steps along the way need to be automated, and the more automation that is built-into a solution, the faster response times and rollout will be.

Securing the SaaS

Wing Security provides SaaS security. Wing secures the SaaS use of large enterprises by discovering (non-intrusively) which SaaS apps they’re using, classifying those apps using a security score from Wing’s Reputation Ranking, and then presenting all issues found by sorting them into 3 categories: SaaS Apps, SaaS Users, and Exposed SaaS Data, which includes any shared resources such as files or repositories. Next, Wing lets CISOs and their Security teams start to remediate the issues it has found, letting them revoke tokens, sharing permissions, and restricting apps or users. And the best part is: Those security teams just need to decide what they want to do. Then, with a few clicks, Wing carries out their policy and implements it using built-in automation. 

“Lemme just run that by my end-users first”

If Security teams just brazenly clicked away and started revoking tokens and permissions, there would be a knock on their door pretty soon (or a harsh email) from someone who needed “that SaaS file” for something that was really important. This is why Wing Security also provides the ability to loop in the end-users as part of the remediation process before anything is revoked or unshared. Users are messaged so that they know why the action is being taken, and are given options to snooze or deny the request, with a default in place in the highly rare event that the end-user doesn’t respond [AUDIENCE GASPS].

Reaching full-automation

Once the concern of accidentally revoking-something-that-shouldn’t-be is addressed by looping in those end-users, it opens up the capability of fully automating many SaaS security tasks that need to be carried out to remediate the issues found. While there is still occasional work that needs to be done manually, as some actions shouldn’t be automated, everything else can be, and should be, fully automated. Protecting the organization quietly in the background.

Leave ZERO backdoors open

If there are 10 possible backdoors open that could allow a bad cyber-actor to gain access to your organization, then there is little difference between a solution that closes 1 of those backdoors or 9 of those backdoors, as either way they’ve left either 1 or 9 possible backdoors open. The only real solution that could possibly protect the organization is one that closes all of those 10 backdoors, closes them quickly, and keeps a sharp lookout for any other similar backdoors that might appear. That’s why any realistic solution needs to be automated. By closing all the possible backdoors that an issue presents, it provides a real level of protection that would be hard to match with any manual methods.

Use SaaS as a tool for growth

SaaS is supposed to be a tool for growth, and usually needs to be used as such. If there are problems every time someone tries to onboard a new SaaS app, or simply tries to share a file, then it will be hard to make use of that SaaS app to help the organization grow. To facilitate growth, SaaS needs to be used freely, easily, and without concern, while still being secure for the organization.

Wing Security

Wing Security provides fully automated SaaS security that does all of the above. Wing uses non-intrusive discovery methods to find all the SaaS used across your organization, including app2app connections. Then, Wing ranks each SaaS app and assigns it a security score, which lets the CISO and security team decide what the cutoff should be set at. Next, Wing triages all the issues it finds into categories of Apps, Users or Shared resources. Each issue has controls next to it for remediating the issue, as well as automating that remediation so that you only have to deal with each type of problem once. This way, Wing is able to provide a comprehensive and holistic solution for SaaS security. 

See it in action for yourself…