SSPM – SaaS Security Posture Management

SSPM (SaaS Security Posture Management) is a comprehensive SaaS security solution designed to continuously monitor and manage the security posture of SaaS environments. SSPM provides security and IT teams with the necessary visibility into the security configurations and usage patterns of SaaS applications, identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and compliance issues. As SaaS tools become increasingly targeted by malicious actors, SSPM is becoming more and more essential for protecting sensitive data and ensuring secure practices.

SSPM focuses on securing SaaS usage by monitoring all activities non-intrusively, offering automated workflows to resolve security issues, manage application permissions, and prevent data misuse or abuse. SSPM address challenges such as SaaS sprawl, shadow IT, and the presence of risky applications within organizations, ensuring that SaaS usage is safe, compliant, and aligned with organizational policies.