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SaaS Security Posture Management – what exactly is it?

SSPM, or SaaS Security Posture Management solutions helps organizations regain control over highly popular SaaS usage, which would otherwise remain completely decentralized and ungoverned. SSPM ensures that SaaS is used safely and in a way that doesn’t compromise compliance, sensitive data, or security posture. To effectively address risks in a SaaS-driven world, organizations need tools and automated solutions that can streamline security processes, saving security professionals valuable time while ensuring consistency. That’s where SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) comes into play. SSPM is a cloud-based, automated security solution designed to safeguard SaaS environments. The key word here is “automation.” Organizations often find themselves bogged down by manual and error-prone processes. SSPM offers a way to streamline and enhance security measures.

SSPM is part of the broader set of Cloud Security solutions, which also includes:

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), which typically focuses on the visibility and control of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service).
  • Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM), which typically focuses on identifying configuration vulnerabilities in Kubernetes environments.
  • Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), which essentially act as a security barrier between cloud service consumers and cloud service providers, enforce enterprise security policies. SSPM and CASBs are often seen as complementary solutions.
an image of data moving between cloud services representing SaaS security and SSPM

What Does SaaS Security Posture Management Do?

SSPM is a rising market experiencing rapid growth and adoption. With more and more organizations turning to cloud services, SaaS solutions are skyrocketing in popularity. In this new reality, IT, security, and compliance teams are struggling to keep up with which SaaS applications are being used, by whom, when, and how.

By integrating with organizations’ major SaaS applications such as Google Drive, O365, and Salesforce, SSPM solutions start by mapping out all SaaS usage, third-party connections (also known as SaaS-to-SaaS or App2App), and analyzing the data flowing in and between SaaS applications. They identify who has access and flag related risks.

Once an SSPM uncovers SaaS Shadow IT, one of its key use cases is to protect data residing in the cloud and the data accessed via SaaS applications. They achieve this by finding and understanding the application’s reputation, compliances, and potential risks. SSPM then provides control over user access and permissions given to the applications. They identify inconsistencies in usage, sensitive data shared in an insecure fashion, and offer some level of support for misconfigurations, especially for critical business applications. SSPM often introduces various levels of built-in automation to the remediation processes mentioned above.

SSPM Gives You Control Over Shadow IT

According to Wing’s research, the average employee today uses 29 applications. Multiply that by the number of employees in your organization, and you’ll realize the magnitude of SaaS usage. The ease with which employees can install applications, often bypassing security protocols, results in a shadow network of unvetted applications operating within organizations. Many of these applications may pose security risks and fail to meet security standards. SSPM steps in to discover Shadow IT and risky applications while collaborating with end-users to mitigate these risks. It also uncovers insider risks by identifying who is sharing what and with whom, all in a non-intrusive manner.

Prioritizing SaaS Security Posture Management with Wing

Wing Security developed a holistic approach to SSPM that provides full coverage, support, and remediation for everything related to SaaS: applications, users, and data at risk. We take pride in having one of the largest SaaS databases in the industry, with over 300,000 applications and web extensions recorded. This database not only ensures accuracy and comprehensive coverage but also serves as a valuable resource for our customers. They can access it whenever they need to look up information about any SaaS application.

Among its various advantages, SSPM places a premium on security. Through its automated discovery and remediation capabilities, SSPM not only enhances security but also saves valuable resources, time, and money. By automating security measures and providing comprehensive visibility, SSPM empowers organizations to safeguard their data and resources against both negligent and malicious insiders. As the SaaS landscape continues to grow, SSPM will play an increasingly crucial role in maintaining robust security postures.

Our core use cases:

  • Eliminate SaaS Shadow IT with Our Full SaaS Application Discovery Solution: Wing provides your organization with a complete list of SaaS applications within minutes, helping you eliminate shadow IT. As part of our SaaS Security Posture Management offering, Wing maps, analyzes, and scores each SaaS application in your organization. This provides actionable insights and recommendations on SaaS compliance, security scores, and business information, ensuring that your IT and security teams can identify and manage all applications in use.
  • Protect the Data Flowing In and Between Your SaaS Applications: Wing helps protect the data that flows in and between your SaaS applications, a critical aspect of SaaS Security Posture Management. By providing real-time SaaS visibility, Wing monitors data movement outside the organization, mitigating risks associated with data breaches, insider threats, and accidental data leaks. Wing also monitors for data forwarding roles, mass data downloads, and shares, ensuring that your data remains secure and business continuity is maintained.
  • Prevent Insider Risk and Mitigate Threats in User Offboarding: Wing simplifies and enhances the offboarding process by revoking access to SaaS applications with a single click, preventing insider risk. As part of our comprehensive SaaS Security Posture Management, Wing monitors for abnormal user behavior, such as unusual data transfers, to identify potential threats. This ensures that former employees no longer have access to critical systems, thereby securing your organization’s data and assets.
  • Ensure Application Compliance: Wing’s Governance, Risk, and Compliance Management capabilities are integral to maintaining your SaaS Security Posture Management. You can complete your Access Review in minutes by accessing the full list of compliances for each application, quickly identifying whether they meet necessary regulatory requirements. This feature ensures that your organization maintains compliance while also enhancing overall SaaS security.
  • Manage Access and Permissions, Including Third-Party Applications: Wing enables comprehensive management of access and permissions, including third-party applications. By leveraging Wing’s Supply Chain Risk Management features, you can discover all app-to-app and third-party connections within your organization. As part of our SaaS Security Posture Management solution, Wing’s automation capabilities streamline your response to threats, providing alerts on new risks and suggesting ways to mitigate sensitive information leaks.
  • Receive Near-Real-Time Threat Intelligence Alerts: Wing provides near-real-time Threat Intelligence alerts whenever an application used in your organization has been compromised. This feature is a crucial component of our SaaS Security Posture Management, enabling you to utilize Wing’s proprietary “SaaS LookUp” feature to assess the safety and reputation of over 300,000 SaaS applications. By understanding each application’s “Reputation Score,” you can make informed security decisions before onboarding, ensuring that your organization only uses trusted and secure applications.

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